Friday, February 28, 2014

the decline of phytoplankton is reaching an all new low.

    throughout the articles they all made the point of while oceans waters are increasing in temperature, the phytoplankton is decreasing.  In the Article " Phytoplankton Population Drops 40 Percent since 1950" (written in 2010).  expresses the concern with the drop of phytoplankton.  This is the first article that is really starting to take a concern in the decline of phytoplankton. In the artcle they took into consideration as what might happen in 10 years if the population of phytoplankton continues to decrease. scientist did some research and came to the conclusion that rising sea temperatures do in fact kill phytoplankton.  the warmer water deprives the phytoplankton the materials they need in order to turn CO2 and sunlight into energy.  scientists new that the decline would have a big impact on many other species.
   in the article " Plankton will suffer as oceans warm" (written in 2013) really expressed the importance of phytoplankton. phytoplankton are an important role in the carbon cycle, they remove half of all CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.  they are also a big role in the wood web, they are the source of food for many organisms. with water temperatures rising and the population decreasing it affects other species in the wood chain. without phytoplankton all will suffer.

throughout all the articles they all give the concern of how everything will die off and be affected if the temperatures of ocean waters continue to rise and kill off phytoplankton. we need to do something about this before its to late.

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